Can you change an onkain-nft collection after measurement?

From now on, the Solana system enables you to create and manage collections of tarte assets, but do not enable direct access to updates or changes available after they have been shaped. However, there are some problems that can help.

In this article we will examine the opportunity to change an on-chain collection for a embossed compressed NFT on Solana.

What is an on-chain program?

An on-chain program is a kind of intelligent contract that is built directly on the blockchain. It enables developers to create decentralized applications (DAPPS) that interact with the blockchain and other external data sources. In your case, use an on-chain program to make mint tokens in a collection.

Can you change an existing collection?

No, no, it is not possible to change an existing NFT collection immediately after printing an on-chain program based on Solana. The reason for this is that the Solana blockchain is based on a certain scheme and a certain structure for collections that does not allow any simple change in existing assets.

Problem debits:

Although there is no easy way to change an existing collection, you can use some problem expenses to achieve your goal:


While changing an NFT collection after measurement is not possible with the official Solana API, some workarounds are available. If you have to update your collection, create a new compressed NFT or change the metadata directly with the Solana API. User-defined oncain programs may be required for more complex scenarios.

Code Examples

Solana: Is it possible to change NFT collection for minted compressed NFT

To illustrate these concepts, I will provide some code sections in rust and solidity (Solana’s native programming language) that show how an NFT collection is created and updated with an on-chain program.


// Create a new compressed NFT

Use Solana_Program :: {

Account_info :: {Next_Account_info, Accountinfo},

Entry point :: program result,

Pubkey :: pubkey,


leave nft_id = pubkey :: New_Unique ();

Leave mint_Result: program result = run_on_account_info (

& Accountinfo :: New_Multikey (VEC! [Next_Account_info (& nft_id)]),

// mint of the nft


If! mint_result.is_ok () {

Println! (“Error with NFT”);


// Update the metadata of the collection

Use Solana_Program :: {

Account_info :: {Next_Account_info, Accountinfo},

Entry point :: program result,

Pubkey :: pubkey,


Let new_metadata = VEC! [PUBRKEY :: New_Unique (), “New Collection Metadata”];

Update_Result: program result = run_on_account_info (program result = run_on_account_info (

& Accountinfo :: New_Multikey (VEC! [Next_Account_info (& nft_id), Next_Account_info (& New_Metadata)]),)

// Update the metadata of the collection


If! update_result.is_ok () {


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