API error Ethereum API: duplicate values ​​for parameter ‘symbols’

The Api Ethereum error you experience occurs when there are duplicate values ​​for a particular parameter, in this case “symbols”. This may happen if you try to get the prices of multiple symbols at the same time using the same API terminal point.


There are several reasons why your code may encounter this problem. Here are several possible causes and solutions:


To solve this problem, you can try the following:


Use a different API method : If you are trying to load more symbols with one API call, consider using another API method that allows you to obtain a multi-symbol in one call.

Code Example:


Import requirements

Define the endpoint and parameters of the API Ethereum API

API_Endpoint = “

params = {

‘Symbols’: [‘et’, ‘ltc’],

load prices for two symbols at a time

‘Limit’: 10,

Limit the number of values ​​returned


Set the API key (replace with your actual API key)

Api_key = “your_api_KEY_HERE”

Make an API Ethereum API endpoint request

Response = Requests.Gget (API_Endpoint, Params = Params, Headers = {‘X-API-KEY’: API_KEY})

Check that the answer was successful

If Response.Status_code == 200:

Barme response JSON and get prices for each symbol

Data = Respony.Json ()

for the symbol in [‘eth’, ‘ltc’]:

Price = Data [Symbol] [‘Price’]

Print (f “Price for {symbol}: $ {price: .2f}”)


Print (“Error:”, Response.Status_code)


Documentation GitHub:

More information about the use of the API Ethereum can be found at the official GITHUB documentation:

According to these steps and accordingly, you should be able to solve the error of duplicate values ​​and successfully win prices for more symbols of Ethereum.

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