Error when deploying Brownie scripts with Metamask

As a developer working with smart contracts on the Ethereum network, you may have encountered issues when deploying scripts to the blockchain using the Brownie platform. In this article, we will delve into the error message generated by Brownie when attempting to deploy scripts using Metamask.

Error Message Explanation

The “Non-hexadecimal digit found” error is a cryptic message that indicates a problem with the code or data used in the deployment process. However, upon closer inspection, it appears to be related to the syntax of the hexadecimal values ​​used in the script.

When Brownie runs scripts using Metamask, it uses the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to execute the bytecode of smart contracts written in Solidity. The EVM interprets the hexadecimal values ​​as code and executes them accordingly.

“Brownie” Terminal Error

This particular error message contains the phrase “Non-hexadecimal digit found”. This is not a typical error message from Brownie itself, but rather an indication of what might be causing the problem. When running scripts using Metamask with Brownie, there may be issues with the syntax or formatting of the hexadecimal values ​​being used.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Here are some possible causes and solutions for this error:

Example solution

To fix this issue, you can try running a simple test case in your script with Brownie. Below is an example of how you can modify the file to include basic error checking.

import brown

def main():

Make sure Metamask is configured correctly

if not brown.is_metro_client_configured():

raise Exception ("Metamask configuration problem")


Deploy the contract with error handling

brown.run_scripts({"script": ""})

except exception as e:

print(f"Error: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


This sample code checks if Metamask is configured correctly before attempting to deploy the script. If an error occurs, an exception message is printed.


The “Non-hexadecimal digit found” error in Brownie terminal output can be a tricky problem to troubleshoot, but by understanding the syntax and formatting requirements for hexadecimal values, you should be able to identify and fix any issues. Remember to verify that your Metamask configuration is correct and test your scripts with basic error checking before you push them to the blockchain.

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